Maklumat Pelanggan(Isikan maklumat pada ruangan kosong)

Nama Organisasi/ Syarikat :
No. Pendaftaran SSM/ ROS/ Koperasi :
Contact Number :
Contact Person :
Emel :
Negeri :

B.Bilangan pekerja(Isikan nombor pada ruangan kosong)

Pekerja Tempatan :
Pekerja Asing :

C.Aktiviti perniagaan utama syarikat


Please answer the questionaire

1.Does your organisation have a digitalisation talent development plan?
(Note: A talent development programme improves workforce competencies for digitalisation transformation.)
2.How do you describe the senior management’s readiness for digitalisation?
(Note: Senior management digitalisation readiness refers to their readiness to leverage the latest digitalisation trends and technologies for continuous organisational competitiveness.)
3.Has your organisation established a long-term digitalisation strategy, which includes the primary aim of establishing the factory or plant of the future?
(Note: A long-term digitalisation strategy and governance role include plans for design and execution towards a set of digitisation long-term goals. It comprises identifying priorities, formulating a roadmap, and developing a system of rules, practices, and processes. Establishing the factory or plant of the future should be the end focus in a company’s digitalisation strategy.)
4.What is the urgency level for your organisation to adopt digitalisation?
5.How do you describe your organisation’s production equipment readiness to meet digitisation and Industry 4.0 requirements?
6.How do you describe the digitisation level in your organisation’s vertical value chain?
(Note: Vertical value chain is the integration of processes and systems across all hierarchical levels in the automation pyramid which includes M2M capability from R&D, product development to production.)
7.How do you describe product customisation in your organisation?
8.How do you describe Product Lifecycle adoption in your organization?
(Note: Integrated Product Cycle is the integration of people, processes, and systems along the entire product lifecycle, encompassing the stages of design and development, engineering, production, customer use, service, and disposal.)
9.How your organisation’s supply chain system integrates with your customers and suppliers?
(Note: Integrated horizontal supply chain system ensures smooth data exchange with suppliers and customers.)
10.What is the level of automation adoption in your organisation?
(Note: Automation (Shop Floor, Enterprise and Facility) is the application of technology to monitor, control and execute the process from production to delivery of products and services, within the location where the production and management of goods is carried out, including sales and marketing, demand planning, procurement, human resource management and planning; HVAC, chiller, security, and lighting systems.)
11.What is the level of intelligence adoption in your organization?
(Note: Enterprise, Shop Floor and Facility Intelligence are the processing and analysis of data to optimise existing processes and create new applications, products, and services.)
12.What does your organisation do with the data collected from operations and equipment?
(Note: Data collected from operations and equipment can be analysed or processed to generate reports mandated by the authorities, customers, certifying bodies etc. They can also provide means for improving productivity and management projection.)
13.Does your organisation’s manufacturing equipment have self-optimising process capabilities?
14.What is the level of connectivity adoption in your organisation?
(Note: Enterprise, Shop Floor and Facility connectivity are the interconnection of equipment, machines and computer-based systems, to enable communication and seamless data exchange, within the location where the administrative work, production and management of goods, or physical building.)
15.How do you describe the implementation of IT and data security your organization?
(Note: Data and communication security is increasingly important to any organisation’s digitalisation transformation.)